Friday, August 31, 2012

Time Flies...My Girl is Eight

People have told me for years...I never thought they were joking---but it just happened.  Kids grow up.  I blinked.  My little girl is eight.  I think if I actually had to say it out loud I would cry.  I'm tearing up a little as I think about it now. 

I have to say though, this was a very special time with my little girl.  Her and I together... She bubbled around being her cute, adorable self, and I tried to freeze it all in time.  I am grateful for all of those little moments in life, and I hope I can be a good mom for her, and the rest of my sweet children. 

Not sure how I got so lucky......


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Noonie, Aarnin, Dex

This is our adorable nephew (and his parents--hee hee)!!  He just turned one! See how much he's changed here. He's added a few teeth and a whole lot of tricks since then!  Love these guys! Wish you still lived close...miss you tons!  Thanks for making the effort for fun visits!